Frequently Asked Questions

Dry Eyes

There are various causes for dry eyes which include allergy, pollution, Advancing age, hormonal changes, prolonged use of television, phone amongst other things.

Category: Dry Eye FAQs

NO! There are many newer modalities available like laser therapy or heat therapy which help to reduce the dependency on drops.

Category: Dry Eye FAQs

NO! The treatments are painless and take less than 20 mins to complete.

Category: Dry Eye FAQs

Although it is more common in the older age group it does affect people of all ages. With the increased use of computer and mobile screens dry eye in the form of computer vision syndrome is affecting the younger generation too.

Category: Dry Eye FAQs

The easiest way to know is to see the symptoms of dryness or tiredness of the eyes. Another way is to come get tested NOW!

Category: Dry Eye FAQs

Refractive Surgery

The aim of the surgery is to reduce the dependency on glasses. However, in Majority of the cases the patients can see comfortably without glasses.

Category: Refractive FAQs

In a small percentage of people there is a chance for the number to return. However, a touch up laser can be done in cases where there is enough corneal tissue.

Category: Refractive FAQs

Surgery can be performed in patients over 18 years of age in whom the refractive error has been stable for over a year and who desire to be glasses free

Category: Refractive FAQs

NO! Depending on the preoperative tests either LASIK or some other refractive surgery like PRK, SMILE or ICL can be performed.

Category: Refractive FAQs


The patient may have blurred vision, decreased vision with frequent change in glasses. It is often associated with rubbing of the eye and allergy.

Category: Keratoconus FAQs

Yes, in most cases it affects both the eyes though both may not be affected at the same time to the same grade.

Category: Keratoconus FAQs

It is usually seen in children and teens or cases with hormonal changes. It usually stabilizes in the late twenties

Category: Keratoconus FAQs

Yes. The progression of keratoconus can be halted with the help of corneal crosslinking. In other cases, different types of lenses can also be used.

Category: Keratoconus FAQs